This project was completed over the summer of 2021 for class turned research team “criptographies”. This was a graduate/PhD level class that I completed as an undergraduate.
This class wanted to understand through qualitative, interview-based research how our environment impacts our mental health. My group tasked ourselves with exploring the impact covid-19 had on communication and mental health. We interviewed across a wide spectrum of people, from health professionals to friends and family in hopes of getting a diverse selection of perspectives.
I was responsible for interviewing people on zoom and editing 8 hours of raw footage into a 10 minute video. I learned the importance of storytelling and video editing. This project required me to use adobe premier.


PhD/graduate class “post commodities" explored what it means to be a product in the 21st century. I took this course in fall of 2021 during my undergraduate studies. I was required to make a video exploring a commodity within our society and I chose to explore music due to its increasing popularity and accessibility as a result of the internet. I hypothesized that as a result of modernizing technology, it has become easier to aestheticize and commoditize music and it’s surrounding constituents.
I used after effects, premier, cinema 4d, and rhino to complete this project.